Yoga blog for teachings on and off the mat
Why You Might Want to Befriend the Woo!
Explore the transformative power of yoga’s symbols – the moon, sun, and fire. Learn how these elements help you break free from self-doubt, build confidence, and live generously.
Why We Withhold – And Why It’s Exhausting
Explore the yoga principle of asteya – non-stealing – and discover how to stop holding back your true self. Practical yoga techniques and reflections to help you live generously and energetically.
Give From Source | Let Energy Flow
Explore how yoga practices like breathwork, meditation, and mindfulness can help you recharge, connect to your source energy, and embody effortless generosity.
Quit Hustling For Your Enoughness
Explore how connecting with your true self through yoga and mindfulness can help you realize that you are enough. Learn practices to cultivate inner abundance and live generously.
How To Find More Energy Every Day
Explore the concept of prana and learn how to harness this vital life force through breathwork, mindful movement, and other practices to cultivate a sense of inner abundance and generosity.
How to Stop Forcing Things!
Explore the deeper aspects of Yoga by understanding the natural flow of life and aligning with Dharma. Learn to let go, trust the process, and live in harmony with the nature of things.