
Evolution Through The Chakras

Love the Process – Understanding the stages of our personal evolution through the Chakras

I have a real love and appreciation for systems and processes, especially the system of evolution through the Chakras. Traditional Hatha Yoga embodies this evolution as a process—it’s a scientifically sound system, tested and refined over thousands of years. When you follow the system, success becomes consistent. That’s the beauty of yoga—it’s a science.

The Science of Hatha Yoga: A Pathway to Personal Evolution

Yet, sometimes, the system isn’t taught as such. And you know what? That’s okay. Let’s not dwell on that for today. But I do find it concerning how many yoga practitioners find themselves stuck on the surface of practice, focusing solely on perfecting the exterior without delving into the depths of understanding.

I often remind my students that you can’t simply “asana” your way into higher awareness or self-realisation.  Working on the physical aspects of ourselves is merely the groundwork for the journey ahead. In terms of your yoga journey, you haven’t even left the driveway yet!

All I want for us all is to get off the bloomin’ drive – to experience the full scope of what’s out there and who we are in it.

Anything less is simply a waste of precious time.

And guess what? The ancient sages have already paved the way for us—they’ve mapped out the journey to the soul. Hatha Yoga is that map. It’s the integration of the Moon (Ha) and the Sun (Tha), the convergence of universal forces (HaTha) that ignite the fire within us, propelling us past illusions and into the realm of our True Self.

Sure, it may sound grandiose, even audacious. But consider the odds of being here, right now, in this moment, reading these words. Are you willing to limit your potential and deny the possibilities that await you?

The sages foresaw our doubts, fears, and anxieties about this journey. That’s precisely why this beautiful scientific system exists—to liberate us from our limitations, to propel us forward from where we are to where we aspire to be.

All we need to do is follow the map.


Navigating the Evolution Through the Chakras: Insights and Practices

So today, I want to focus on one crucial aspect of this map—the Chakra system.

Often oversimplified as spinning wheels of light along the spine, the Chakras are far more intricate and profound than meets the eye. They are gateways to the universal forces that govern all aspects of life—the forces behind the rising sun, the ebbing tides, the changing seasons, and the intricate workings of our cells.

Moreover, the Chakras serve as guides through the stages of our personal development and evolution, both in our material and spiritual lives.


Energetic Alignment

You can’t think your way into the Chakras or “open” them with physical postures alone. It requires the subtle awareness cultivated through our dedicated and consistent practice that influence these subtle layers of our being. However, when these energy centres are balanced and aligned, the flow of energy (prana) throughout the body becomes unrestricted. This alignment is crucial for experiencing optimal health, vitality, and mental clarity. All essential ingredients for deepening our practice of Yoga.

The Chakras are subtly located along the length of the spine – which is why so much Asana prioritises an extended spine (over extended arms and legs).

Each one represents different stages of spiritual evolution, from our basic survival instincts (Muladhara) at the base to our highest state of consciousness (Sahasrara) above the crown. As we progress along this evolutionary path, the idea is that we move beyond the limitations of the ego and connect with the universal source of existence.

This journey of subtle awakening allows us to transcend the illusion of separateness and experience the unity of all creation, which is the ultimate goal of Yoga.


Dispelling Misconceptions: Embracing the True Essence of Yoga Through the Chakras

So, let’s unravel the mysteries of the Chakras and understand how they influence our journey.

Chakras 1, 2, and 3: Muladhara, Swadisthana, Manipura (Base of Spine, Pelvis, Navel)

Let’s start from the ground up, quite literally! The Muladhara, Swadisthana, and Manipura Chakras are where it all begins. They’re akin to the roots of a mighty tree, grounding us in survival, desire, and identity. In our Yoga practice, we learn to dance with these energies without getting entangled in them. It’s about finding balance, embracing our earthly desires while reaching for the stars.

Common Misconception: People often assume these lower Chakras are solely about materialism and ego. But they form the foundation of our spiritual growth! Without this sturdy base, it’s challenging to ascend to higher realms.


Chakras 3 and 4: Manipura and Anahata (Navel, Heart Centre)

As we ascend through the Chakras, we encounter Manipura, our powerhouse of personal power, and Anahata, the heart center. Here, the focus shifts from “me” to “we.” By channeling the energy of Manipura into our hearts, we open ourselves to service, healing, and unconditional love. The heart becomes our sanctuary—a safe space to connect with the infinite power of the soul.

Common Misconception: Some believe the heart merely symbolises lovey-dovey emotions. But it’s much more than that! It serves as the ultimate connection between our individual soul and the cosmic one, guiding us towards profound spiritual awakening.


Chakras 5, 6, and 7: Vishuddi, Ajna, Sahasrara (Throat, Forehead Centre, Crown)

And now, we’re blasting off into the spiritual stratosphere! The Vishuddi Chakra ignites our journey towards self-mastery and higher truths. Ajna, our third eye, broadens our vision and intelligence to encompass the greater good. Finally, Sahasrara, the crown Chakra, transcends duality and welcomes us into the boundless realm of pure awareness.

Common Misconception: Some argue that enlightenment is reserved for the chosen few. But hey, the journey through the Chakras is open to all who dare to embark on it and put in the work! It’s not about reaching some far-off destination; it’s about embracing the wild ride of self-discovery and transformation.


So there you have it! The Chakras serve as a kind of secret sauce of Yoga, guiding us towards alignment, self-discovery, and spiritual awakening. I encourage you to embrace the journey with open arms and an open heart.

Join us in the studio or online to unlock more of the magic of the Chakra, get off the drive and go out there and experience the true essence of Yoga.

