Because there’s no such thing as a silly question… and because we all start at suck!
If you’re planning your first yoga adventure in 2018 you probably have some questions. Trouble is, no one ever likes to be the first to raise their hand.
So, to get the ball rolling I’m sharing 20 questions fellow yoga teachers posted on Facebook as the questions they get asked the most…just so you no there’s such thing as a silly question…or is there? 😉
I carved out my own responses to these…but if you’re still left wondering ‘bout something yoga related, pop it down in the comments and I’ll share what I got.
Here we go. Twenty questions start now…
Q1: Am I doing it right?
Listen to your body, your breath and move with awareness – and you’re doing it right.
Q2: Can I do yoga? I’m not flexible.
Yes and… so what? You will be.
Q3: What class is right for me?
The one you will do.
Q4:What will yoga do for me?
Yoga will help you reconnect with your body, mind and spirit and remind you of your true potential and what’s possible.
Q5: If yoga is just stretching how does it help?
It’s not just about stretching…
Q6: Am I allowed to breathe through my mouth?
You’re in charge of you, do what feels right. That said, in yoga you will get asked to breathe through your nose because your schnozz is beautifully designed to filter out impurities and moisten the air as it enters the body. Breath through your mouth and you may find yourself nursing a dry throat.
Q7: What type of yoga is/was this /are you teaching?
Yeah, there’s loads of ‘brands’ of yoga out there. It’s confusing and it can take time to find your flavour. Essentially, all yoga is rooted in finding’union’ or balance. Yoga gets you feeling whole, connected and working in harmony – it helps you live a life you love for longer – and that’s what I teach (regardless of style).
Q8: Will yoga help me lose weight?
Yoga can help you unravel any old habits that don’t serve you because you get to build mind muscle (awareness and consciousness) as well as your strength, balance and flexibility. So, if you’re eating habits are lousy – yoga can help with that.
Q9: Yoga is really relaxing, isn’t it?
It can be if that’s what you want it to be. It can also be physically challenging. Depends on your intention, or the intention of the class being taught.
Q10: When will I be able to do (insert advanced yoga pose here)?
Who can say? You are not a carbon copy of anyone (and you have to ask yourself why is that important anyway?) What I do know is if you show up and practice regularly, your body (mind and spirit) will respond and evolve just the way it’s supposed to and at exactly the right time.
Q11: Where should I feel this?
Yoga is a practice of self-discovery. I would rather you ask yourself ‘where am I feeling it’, and does it feel good? And go with what feels good.
Q12: What does Yoga mean?
Q13: Where do you practice yoga?
If we’re talking about the traditional yoga asana (poses) – I practice in my bedroom and anywhere I can throw down my mat. I also practice yoga when I’m cleaning my teeth, standing in line, washing up, swimming, gardening, or dealing with a challenging situation because yoga is being aware of how you move or respond in the moment.
Q15: What level is this?
Yoga is really an individual practice. A good teacher will guide you to work into shapes that work for you in the moment. Yogis practice working at their own level. They are not concerned about hitting other people’s marks.
Q16: Isn’t this supposed to be relaxing?
Not always…sorry.
Q16: Can you fix my knees and back so I can cancel my knee surgery?
I’m a yoga teacher, not a physician. What I can do is get you exploring how your knees and back came to need fixing and help you undo some of the stuff that got you in trouble in the first place.
Q17: Can we do headstands?
Depends on your practice. Work on poses that would help build the strength, flexibility and balance required to achieve headstands first.
Q18: Can I do this class if I have (xyz) injuries?
Always ask a medical professional. Yoga teachers are not doctors. If your GP says go ahead, you should then take responsibility for yourself, listen to your body and modify poses (with your yoga teacher’s help as necessary). If it doesn’t feel good, you simply don’t do it. You are always in charge of you. Learn to trust your ‘Self’.
Q19: Can we do restorative/vinyasa today?
I usually have classes planned as part of a balanced programme. The beauty of a home practice is you can respond to your own individual needs on any given day – so do that too.
Q20: Yoga’s not ALL you do, is it?
Yes, actually. Aren’t I lucky?
Q20: How many times per week should I practice?
Yoga for me is a daily practice – but don’t worry, you don’t just have to do it in Lycra and on a mat. Yoga is also about finding balance in all things. Find your own flow and what works for you – my best advice is just begin. Once you’ve found what works for you, stay present enough to know when to change things up (and take a new direction/up level).
Does that answer your questions? Hope so, but if you got something else for me, let me have it in the comments below.
Until next time. Namaste from Me.
Josie X