Get ready for your post lockdown self… and just BEGIN.
The YL studio doors may have been closed for 3 LOOOONG months but we’re still here, open-hearted and ready to serve you LIVE AND ONLINE!
The BIG question is…
Are YOU ready for YOU?
… The post lockdown YOU?
What do I mean?
I’m guessing in the three months of lockdown you’ve had time to reflect a bit about your wellbeing and what it actually means to be healthy?
For me this happened seven years ago when life stopped due to my own health crisis. As big pauses in your normal, habitual routine tend to, this led to a big shift… in everything, career, who I thought I was, what I wanted to do with my life, how I ate, exercised – all of it.
You can maybe relate having experienced this enforced pattern interrupt in your life?
What helped me get my ‘self’ together in that confusing, uncertain time? A yoga and meditation practice.
Now there’s so many studies out there (just go type a search in Google) that give us the science on why these ancient teachings, trainings, wisdom can support you in your pursuit of health and wellbeing.
And I’m not just talking being free from disease. Health is way more than just not being sick.
I know, it’s a BIG topic and can feel overwhelming. But we have to start somewhere. So today I’m here to ask you to just get in the game.
With three months of online teaching here at YL we’re ready to support you in your pursuit of health and growth with our first ONLINE LIVE BEGIN yoga course. (
It’s been reworked for the online environment and is especially for new or returning students who want to start building a solid yoga foundation and get set up themselves up for either a studio or home practice.
This four-week progressive course will walk you through everything from alignment, awareness, posture, and breathing techniques to following cues and using props.
And you’ll get a recording of each class so you can continue to practice in your own time.
You’ll start to create time to reconnect with who you are and figure out where your body and mind is at post lockdown. And that my friend is when you’ll find the confidence to consciously move into stability, strength, flexibility balance, resilience and all of the other stuff that will help you feel ready to take on life in your new normal.
Places are limited and the first 6 spots have gone already.
You can BOOK HERE. (
If you’re getting this far down I’m guessing you are already interested in how the practices of yoga and meditation can make a difference to your wellbeing.
Why not take the first steps to discovering more.. and join us.
Josie X
P.s – if you are loving this community and you want to help grow your YL family please share this post. #makefriends thankyou so much