
Classes are up. Make your Autumn/Winter Yoga Plan

Got it down, get it done. You Self will thank you later.

Hey it’s me, Josie…👋 I may be taking a little cheeky time off from teaching class, but I’ve been busy. Phew!!! 😅

Yep, I’ve been planning programmes for Autumn/Winter 2018/19 and the dates are up. So, avoid a holiday fitness and self-care hangover and get into your calendar now to ring-fence your mat time right from September 2018 right into February 2019…(I know – super organised. Get me!). 👍

I’m not really saying that to crow… this is all for you. You can be super organised too…what are you waiting for? I believe our future Self is ours to co-create in every moment. 😉 Let’s get to it.

Yoga Q&A Quickie: Sports Specific Yoga

You asked: Why do I need yoga if I’m already active?

Jump on over here to get my top 5 answers to this one. AND find out about my next sports specific yoga series. You won’t want to miss the chance to learn more about how to fine tune your body and mind to the requirements of your sport.

See you inside my yogi-in-training friend. 😉👍

7 signs your active lifestyle maybe be messing with your health.

Let’s hand out some red flags. Get waving them at me if you are:

  1. Feeling either unpleasantly plump or dangerously preskeletal.
  2. Ravenous at times, off your food at others.
  3. Lying awake at night, thoughts racing.
  4. Tired all the time.
  5. Racked with aches and pains.
  6. Accident and injury prone.
  7. Forgetting easy stuff like names, birthdays, the day of the week.

Almost no one ever tells you should exercise LESS but if you’re waving that red flag at me right now, this yogi is.

Now I know what it means to not listen to advice. I also know what happens when you ignore the wisdom of your body. So, before you dismiss this course of action as outright lunacy, please read my story. It’s all here, alongside some yogi tools to reclaim balance and enhance your hormonal health.

Plus, I’ll share why being less active can sometimes actually help improve athletic performance. It’s all about listening to your body folks. Come with me. It’s time to tune in and tune up.



Here it is. The one thing you can do to maximise your summer sports performance. ADJUST.

Yes, you can boost your efforts in the gym and in training by simply taking on habits, routines and dietary choices that are in harmony with arrival of the new season and the cycles of nature.

This, my athletic friend, is the science behind what’s called Ayurveda, (pronounced ‘I-Your-Veda’) a 5,000-year-old conscious-based way of maximising your health and fitness. It’s intuitive and makes sense.

Jump on in for 3 ways to adjust your summer training plans.

3 Ways Yoga Can Help You Taper

Yogi-In-Training Q&A

Q: I’m in training for a spring marathon. How can yoga help me taper?

A: Taper, peak, fade – whatever you call it, it’s that period when you’re supposed to be training less than you have before. You’ve logged the super long miles or sessions and the plan says it’s time to pull back, let the body catch up, recover. Sounds great, you can do that right?

Not so straight-forward. Why? Because it’s way, way too easy to fall into the human trap of thinking more is more. (You know you think that way – you’re a competitor. It goes with the territory.)

So you stop trusting the plan and maybe add on a few hours. Or you pull back and your mind starts flipping you out, the confidence you’ve worked hard to accumulate takes a dive and before you know it, your anxiety is through the roof and you don’t even have your old faithful sport to distract you.

The solution: Drop a few key yoga tools into your taper plan.