
The Science Of Hatha Yoga

Discover the transformative journey of Hatha Yoga, a profound science that goes beyond mere physical exercise. Learn about the seven stages of traditional Hatha Yoga and how they empower practitioners to master their minds, energies, and unlock their true potential.

De-Stress With Yoga & Ayurveda

Shift With The Seasons… Guys! Did you hear the wind this morning? Have you noticed the trees’ juicy vibrant leaves becoming dry and crisp! The seasons are shifting. And so are we. This means it is time to de-stress with Yoga and Ayurveda. As our external environment changes, guess what? So do we. We are just like […]

Yoga Isn’t Random!

Everything We Offer Has Direction & Purpose The progression of a Tantra Hatha Yoga practice. Showing the steps through Moon, Sun and Fire practice and the journey to more subtle practices. It needs to be made clear that Yoga isn’t random! This week’s podcast talks all about how we make sure all we do at […]

Ayurveda to course correct your life!


Let’s use Ayurveda to get back on track! Have you let things slide? Do you remember what happened when life slowed us all down in lockdown? Did you notice what grew from that enforced stillness? Did you find more spaciousness, awareness, freedom? In that spaciousness did you actively extract more of the joy from life, savour the small things, and make the […]

Ayurveda | Balanced Living

Ayurveda Detox

Our Yoga practice is a very personal thing. It is the journey to the self. Uncovering who we are underneath all of the conditioned behaviour and emotional blockages that come with life.  It is a brave thing to do, to search through all of the areas of your mind and release this built up toxicity. […]

Winter Wellness Retreat 2021

yoga blog retreat

St Nectans Glen, Cornwall by Alison Steedman So, you may or may not know that us at Yoga Local took 10 of our lovely Yogis down to Cornwall on a Winter Wellness Retreat last weekend. Which (if I do say so myself) was a raging success! A long weekend full of nutritious food, Yoga, Meditation, […]

Do we want to be fit and fancy? Or do we want to be free?

yoga blog

Tales from a Teacher Training.

I’m taking time out from the studio for the next six days to immerse in a teacher training with The Practice in Bali. The Practice is a leading institution in lineage-based Traditional Tantric Hatha education.

This place called me to it. (I love it when this happens). No google searches and days of endlessly comparing and contrasting was necessary. I saw it and that was it. You know when you know!

But here’s why.

# 3 Fasting, Ayurveda and Yoga

yoga blog ayurveda

How to fast as a vital practice for maintaining and regaining health

Dive into a podcast conversation on fasting, cleansing and lemons with myself, owner and founder of Yoga Local, and Health Coach Barbara Hallett where we…

  • Talk about what it means to fast
  • Discover different ways to fast
  • Review the benefits of fasting
  • Look at the Ayurvedic approach to fasting
  • Learn ways to gift ourselves with a cleanse
  • Chat about the difference between a fast and a cleanse
  • Enjoy

    # 2 THE YOGA LOCAL Podcast | Can I eat meat and be a yogi?

    yoga blog ayurveda

    Does doing Yoga mean I can’t eat meat, eggs or dairy?

    5 things that Ayurveda has taught me and guides my choices.

    Today we’re taking about two things.

    Ahimsa and Veganuary.

    Ahimsa is the yoga concept of ‘do no harm’ and something we’re working on this week a part of #takecare month. What that looks like in our home practice is making more use of blocks and straps, working into postures with compassion, not forcing, criticising, judging.

    It’s also ‘Go Vegan in January’ month… or Veganuary.


    So sit back relax and find out how I’m guided to make choices through the teachings of Ayurveda on this week’s podcast.

    Ways to Detox with Yoga

    You only have one body. This is all you get!

    Learn how to enhance your capacity to detox and rejuvenate with yoga.

    To be healthy is our natural state and yoga, under the umbrella of its sister science of life, Ayurveda, is part of a whole system of healing.

    So you may love working with the poses and using them as a benchmark to some kind of physical prowess, but forget the alignment of your downward dog for a second and instead shift your emphasis on both yoga and meditation as tools to get every aspect of your ‘being’ working in harmony.