
5 Books that EVERY yogi should read

When was the last time you read a book? Or, for you non-book readers out there, read any kind of publication at all? Chances are, you’ve been reading since the day you learned to read – and even now you’re reading this! You may even frequent Facebook – catching up on your friends’ Facebook posts, […]

3 Ways Yoga Can Help You Taper

Yogi-In-Training Q&A

Q: I’m in training for a spring marathon. How can yoga help me taper?

A: Taper, peak, fade – whatever you call it, it’s that period when you’re supposed to be training less than you have before. You’ve logged the super long miles or sessions and the plan says it’s time to pull back, let the body catch up, recover. Sounds great, you can do that right?

Not so straight-forward. Why? Because it’s way, way too easy to fall into the human trap of thinking more is more. (You know you think that way – you’re a competitor. It goes with the territory.)

So you stop trusting the plan and maybe add on a few hours. Or you pull back and your mind starts flipping you out, the confidence you’ve worked hard to accumulate takes a dive and before you know it, your anxiety is through the roof and you don’t even have your old faithful sport to distract you.

The solution: Drop a few key yoga tools into your taper plan.