#2 Yogis-In-Business. Birthing Baby & Business
…with Suzy Sanders of Admin Angels.
EVERYTHING changes when you become a mum. That’s how the story goes right?
Well that’s most definitely the story of this week’s Yogis-In-Business guest, Suzy Sanders, who happily paints the day she ‘hypnobirthed’ her son into world as ‘amazing’ and an experience that left her feeling ‘limitless’.
Come and check out this week’s show timeline and jump in on the conversation. Podcast this way.👉 🙏
Beginners’ top 5 yoga nightmares put to bed.
Ever noticed how your emotions can hold you hostage in your life? As it’s Halloween, I invite you to take on one of the biggies. FEAR.
It’s natural to respond to fear by running away from it, hiding from it, dodging it. All great tactics if the fear is in response to a real threat to your life. But often, let’s take a reality check… it’s really not. What you’re experiencing is just an uncomfortable emotion that’s bubbled up because of a need that’s not being met. In this case, your need to feel safe.
So ask yourself, could you be allowing your emotions to deny you an experience that could lead to your growth or even reaching your full potential? The moment you restrict yourself to only ‘safe places’ is the moment you stop living. Soul death…a life unfulfilled… now that’s scary. Isn’t it? Keep reading…
What happens when you get home from a Chopra Center Perfect Health yoga and meditation retreat?
First you realise you didn’t travel home alone. True, you may have done some work on silencing your ego – but now you know it was only to make room for a whole new conversation – this time with your deeper self. In Chopra world you got real comfy with its nurturing voice. It…
The jump
My very gorgeous friend once told me that sometimes life has to hollow you out before it can fill you up again. Just over a month ago I hollowed out. On Tuesday, October 29 I resigned from my job. I walked away from a career that I once thought defined me. With no net…