
Ayurveda to course correct your life!


Let’s use Ayurveda to get back on track! Have you let things slide? Do you remember what happened when life slowed us all down in lockdown? Did you notice what grew from that enforced stillness? Did you find more spaciousness, awareness, freedom? In that spaciousness did you actively extract more of the joy from life, savour the small things, and make the […]

# 3 Fasting, Ayurveda and Yoga

yoga blog ayurveda

How to fast as a vital practice for maintaining and regaining health

Dive into a podcast conversation on fasting, cleansing and lemons with myself, owner and founder of Yoga Local, and Health Coach Barbara Hallett where we…

  • Talk about what it means to fast
  • Discover different ways to fast
  • Review the benefits of fasting
  • Look at the Ayurvedic approach to fasting
  • Learn ways to gift ourselves with a cleanse
  • Chat about the difference between a fast and a cleanse
  • Enjoy

    # 2 THE YOGA LOCAL Podcast | Can I eat meat and be a yogi?

    yoga blog ayurveda

    Does doing Yoga mean I can’t eat meat, eggs or dairy?

    5 things that Ayurveda has taught me and guides my choices.

    Today we’re taking about two things.

    Ahimsa and Veganuary.

    Ahimsa is the yoga concept of ‘do no harm’ and something we’re working on this week a part of #takecare month. What that looks like in our home practice is making more use of blocks and straps, working into postures with compassion, not forcing, criticising, judging.

    It’s also ‘Go Vegan in January’ month… or Veganuary.


    So sit back relax and find out how I’m guided to make choices through the teachings of Ayurveda on this week’s podcast.

    Yoga Vocal – Issue 13


    Getting back to your studio mat 6

    AFTER  a month of less good news, take a moment to read some good news stuff… Yoga Vocal Issue #13

    We hope you enjoy the latest issue Love the YL Team x.

    Once you’ve read through, we’d love to hear from you. Send us your thoughts and comments to assist@yogalocal.co.uk

    Yoga Vocal – Issue 12


    Finding the Lesson in the Rule of 6

    The Rule of 6… scary right? or is it? you see, EVERYONE that is coming to class in the studio are in a maximum of 6 but instead of being concerned, I watch as their shoulders relax as they walk in to calm that is Yoga Local. 

    It’s times like this that yoga can give us that sense of calm and more importantly, a feeling of normality.

    We hope you enjoy the latest issue Love the YL Team x.

    Once you’ve read through, we’d love to hear from you. Send us your thoughts and comments to assist@yogalocal.co.uk




    Think that good coffee ☕️ has to be made with a machine? Think again.🤔

    At Yoga Local we are now serving hand-poured coffee, dripped slowly (3 min brew time to be precise) using filtered water (boiled to exactly 94 C) and that doesn’t just get ensure a great brew, but sits right with our values here at the studio which is to always question, where’s the rush?

    Yoga Vocal – Issue 11


    Finding the Lesson in the Rule of 6

    The Rule of 6… scary right? or is it? you see, EVERYONE that is coming to class in the studio are in a maximum of 6 but instead of being concerned, I watch as their shoulders relax as they walk in to calm that is Yoga Local. 

    It’s times like this that yoga can give us that sense of calm and more importantly, a feeling of normality.

    We hope you enjoy the latest issue Love the YL Team x.

    Once you’ve read through, we’d love to hear from you. Send us your thoughts and comments to assist@yogalocal.co.uk

    Yoga Vocal – Issue 10


    When your well being is EVERYBODY’S wellbeing

    We’ve all learned so much over the last 3 months, found out stuff about ourselves that we have liked, things we didn’t like and things about our lives that may change us forever. Most of it has been out of our control, except this bit… Finding Your Purpose. Have a read through to find out why.

    Once you’ve read through, we’d love to hear from you. Send us your thoughts and comments to assist@yogalocal.co.uk


    Introduce your skin to healthy, sustainably sourced products.

    If you haven’t already noticed, a balanced daily yoga practice is one way to get your glow on – improved circulation, more efficient transfer of body wastes, increased muscle tone, better breathing – check, check, check, check! You are lit up from the inside out!

    Add meditation and you are on your way to experience ageless vitality and health.

    Now that’s truly beautiful right? But that’s not the whole story to inner wellbeing. There’s more.

    Hear me out.

    5 Books that EVERY yogi should read

    When was the last time you read a book? Or, for you non-book readers out there, read any kind of publication at all? Chances are, you’ve been reading since the day you learned to read – and even now you’re reading this! You may even frequent Facebook – catching up on your friends’ Facebook posts, […]