
Yoga For Tight Hips

yoga blog hip openers

Check out these yoga videos for tight hips.

Sometimes, you don’t find yoga – yoga finds you. For example… did you know our Maz is working to deliver RCVR classes for our neighbours, ShireFit, a cross fit gym here at Nene Court, Wellingborough and for its members in Corby too.

It’s not what you’d call traditional yoga – but that’s not always where we want to start! Where we start is with a specific need! If you have tight hips… you need to watch this.

Why is my physio saying yoga is a good idea?

Hands up if you’ve ever had physio? Hands up if the reason you called your physio was down to any one of these?

  1. Pain
  2. Limitation
  3. Frustration

Probably all three right?

Now ask yourself, was something way, WAY off balance before you actually made that call. Had your body stopped talking in whispers and started shouting – “You got to help me out here. Stop doing the thing that you are doing and let’s try and fix this.”

Oh yes – I’ve been there and I know I am not alone.

According to the NHS, the things we mostly seek physio out for include one or more of the following: