Beginners’ top 5 yoga nightmares put to bed.
Ever noticed how your emotions can hold you hostage in your life? As it’s Halloween, I invite you to take on one of the biggies. FEAR.
It’s natural to respond to fear by running away from it, hiding from it, dodging it. All great tactics if the fear is in response to a real threat to your life. But often, let’s take a reality check… it’s really not. What you’re experiencing is just an uncomfortable emotion that’s bubbled up because of a need that’s not being met. In this case, your need to feel safe.
So ask yourself, could you be allowing your emotions to deny you an experience that could lead to your growth or even reaching your full potential? The moment you restrict yourself to only ‘safe places’ is the moment you stop living. Soul death…a life unfulfilled… now that’s scary. Isn’t it? Keep reading…