
What you need is a plan!

What did you do with your locked-down morning today?

You know… that part that was your own, where you got to choose? Before the demands of others barged in.

Do you have a systematic plan? Or do you leave it to chance.

Do you choose to mindlessly flick through your phone, or do you choose to get up and mindfully move?

Maybe you think it’s hard to change your habits? You’ve tried before, it failed. It’s impossible! You tell yourself this often enough. Guess what! You’ll be right.

But just maybe you could think differently?

Get your FREE 4 Week Lockdown Yoga Plan

It’s back! And it’s FREE.

Throughout January I’m inviting you to work to a systematic plan to take care of your Self!

Did you know working towards a spiritual goal is called Sadhana in yoga speak? Anyway… here’s the plan. It was created in Lockdown Take 2 and it’s back to support you through the challenges of Lockdown living!!

Take a look and download your copy of week 1 right here.