De-Stress With Yoga & Ayurveda
Shift With The Seasons… Guys! Did you hear the wind this morning? Have you noticed the trees’ juicy vibrant leaves becoming dry and crisp! The seasons are shifting. And so are we. This means it is time to de-stress with Yoga and Ayurveda. As our external environment changes, guess what? So do we. We are just like […]
A Yogi Guide To Riding Seasonal Tides…
…and how to better weather life’s storms – (called Brian or otherwise) 😉
Choice is your super power, it’s your ticket to getting what you want out of life.
But this week, I come to you with a teeny tiny yogi observation…aka WARNING.
What gives you your power, can also slap you back in the face with a huge dose of responsibility, confusion and doubt.
Will you make the right choice? What if you don’t? Eeek.