
Need a refresher on taking a LIVE online class?

yoga blog live online classes

Steps to signing up for and attending online classes

All you need is the member app, a device to access your zoom link and yourself!

Here’s a quick how-to guide to signing up and attending so you never ever have to miss a class, even when you can’t make it into (or are not allowed) in the studio. 

While our ‘In Studio’ classes only require you to book online and show up to class, there are a few simple things we recommend you have in order to participate in your ‘LIVE online’ class.


What you need is a plan!

What did you do with your locked-down morning today?

You know… that part that was your own, where you got to choose? Before the demands of others barged in.

Do you have a systematic plan? Or do you leave it to chance.

Do you choose to mindlessly flick through your phone, or do you choose to get up and mindfully move?

Maybe you think it’s hard to change your habits? You’ve tried before, it failed. It’s impossible! You tell yourself this often enough. Guess what! You’ll be right.

But just maybe you could think differently?

Yoga Vocal – Issue 13


Getting back to your studio mat 6

AFTER  a month of less good news, take a moment to read some good news stuff… Yoga Vocal Issue #13

We hope you enjoy the latest issue Love the YL Team x.

Once you’ve read through, we’d love to hear from you. Send us your thoughts and comments to assist@yogalocal.co.uk


What a transformation!

Phewwee. Yoga Local has officially arrived in its bricks and mortar home at Unit 5 Nene Court, The Embankment, Wellingborough after an incredible 3-day launch.  

Did it..! 👏 😅

Hard to believe in 5 short weeks we’ve transformed this…into… (go on take a look and see for yourself).



Save the Dates! 👏 21st June 2019 we’ll be officially opening the doors to Yoga Local, Unit 5 Yoga Studio, Nene Court, Wellingborough. (Fingers crossed we get the place ready in time.) 😝🤸‍♂️.

Want to know more… hit read more…

Yoga Local Studio | Coming Soon

Yoga Local the studio is about to be birthed!

I’m going for a natural delivery (no forceps, drug intervention) but I guess much like childbirth, I’ll have little say and at the very least it’ll be painful and require a lot of deep breathing. (Pranayama is my friend). 😉

And when am I expecting? Err around June time. But again the Law of Detachment (letting go) says hold on to the vision, but don’t be fixed on the outcome. I won’t if you won’t.

So, do you want to know more?