

Your free yogi wellness training is back.

We’re getting ahead of the game…it starts today. Your 2019 well-being planning starts now.👏

Are you in?

If 2018 has been a year of going through the motions, flying by the seat of your pants👖, thinking someday you’ll figure out how to be healthy and happy. If you’re feeling frustrated and have no idea how to make 2019 your breakthrough year, then I have got your back.



I found this incredible place one short month ago and now I can’t wait to get back (and take you with me!)… so no messing around, let’s do this. Join me from Friday November 23 to Monday November 25 for ….

…a fully immersive wellness retreat designed to help you unwind, relax and align your body, mind and spirit to nature’s natural rhythms.

Put the wellness into winter.. all the details are on my blog.

#8 Yogis-In-Business | The Business in a Box.

How’s this sound? Be your own boss, with a product or service you passionately believe in. You get to work your own hours, be supported by positive, uplifting people. And earn a great income on your own terms?

A tad far-fetched? Too good to be true?

That’s what we’ll be exploring in this week’s podcast with guest, Sam Cunningham, who told me it’s not only possible, it’s actually her dream come true. And it could be yours maybe?

All this plus some conscious skin care tips. Come this way to listen to the podcast.

How to STOP to become Unstoppable.

A yoga inspired event for self-starters, entrepreneurs and business owners.


Once upon a time I hid behind my ‘too busy’ life to avoid doing things that:


  • needed my attention, but had ‘no time’ to stop and address
  • I didn’t want to do, even though deep down I knew they would make me happier, healthier and more successful in the long run.
  • took me out of my comfort zone (or simply scared me silly)


So, I just kept going, foot to the floor, head down, fingers in my ears, barely coming up for air. 😝 What happened? Crash, bang, wollop, oops, oh dear… life/work fell apart.  For a while.

YIB Podcast #5 | Inspiring Success with Side Gigs

Finding Passion and Purpose.

I read today that women are a third less likely than men to start a business.

This week’s YIB podcast guest, Sheena Shah, is running two and holding down a job as an Optometrist. Pretty impressive right? (Smashed that stat💪).

In this incredibly open conversation, Sheena talks about her passion to help people take their lives from where they are to where they want them to be and how she’s successfully grown her Pure and Raw Goodies business by word-of-mouth and a Facebook page.

She also reveals her ultimate purpose – to inspire her two young girls to become strong, successful, independent women. (Job done Sheena🙏👍🏼).

Clean Your Slate! Make Space for Magic to Happen in 2018.

Plus: A Peek Inside My 30 Day Cleanse

If you knew you couldn’t fail, what would you want for yourself next year?

What experiences are you hoping for?

How do you want to feel?

What emotions do you want more of?

When you ask yourself these questions, were any of your answers the same as those you had last year and the year before that? At the risk of voicing the depressingly obvious, does that not kinda suck… real bad?

Your most valuable Christmas gift EVER is right this way.

Come on in and unwrap your freebie.

I’ll jump right in and say it. It’s the end of November and life’s about to get even busier, crazier and more pressured. Agreed?

And, that my yogi friend will make it soooo much harder for you to put your health and wellbeing first. I get that – we all want to have a good time at Christmas and it’s a huge pressure not to fall in with the crowd and think to hell with it, I’ll go along for the ride until January.

But here’s the question. Is it what you want?

Create your 2018 wellbeing strategy.

Your mini-yogi training starts now.

We’re getting ahead of the game…it starts today. Your 2018 well-being planning happens now.

This week, I’m going to get you thinking about your goals, what questions you need to ask yourself (honestly), and give you a few yogi ideas to INSPIRE so you are all set up to hit the ground running on the first day of 2018.

Just so you know. This is not a ‘quick-fix’, ‘boom bust’, ‘giving it lip service’ wellbeing solution I share with you here. It’s your ‘soul-driven’, ‘completely sustainable’, ‘love your frickin-self today and every day’, ‘this is me’, ‘I’m awesome’ solution.

You like the sound?

Beginners’ top 5 yoga nightmares put to bed.

Ever noticed how your emotions can hold you hostage in your life?  As it’s Halloween, I invite you to take on one of the biggies. FEAR.

It’s natural to respond to fear by running away from it, hiding from it, dodging it. All great tactics if the fear is in response to a real threat to your life. But often, let’s take a reality check… it’s really not. What you’re experiencing is just an uncomfortable emotion that’s bubbled up because of a need that’s not being met. In this case, your need to feel safe.

So ask yourself, could you be allowing your emotions to deny you an experience that could lead to your growth or even reaching your full potential? The moment you restrict yourself to only ‘safe places’ is the moment you stop living. Soul death…a life unfulfilled… now that’s scary. Isn’t it? Keep reading…