
Yoga Local Launch: Rewriting our stories


Time to show up.

Everyone has a story. Our stories make us who we are and determine how we show up in life. Every day. Behind today’s launch of Yoga Local is – of course – a story. Its theme is transformation and like most stories that involve major change – it started with me (a journalist who showed up daily for 20 plus years to write stories) being stuck.

So to mark this chapter in the story of Yoga Local, let’s start with asking you the question:

Could you be stuck in your story? Do you yearn for change, success or fulfilment in some area of your life, but don’t know where to start? Have you attempted steps in the right direction, but get pulled back to the start by old habits and limiting beliefs.

Been there, done it. Still doing it (nobody’s perfect). But I’ve made some progress and I’m excited to be here at my desk writing and sharing what I’ve learned and continue to learn about the timeless teachings of Ayurveda and Yoga.

So let’s get this show on the road. Here are my top 3 steps for re-writing your story and creating your very best, ultimate, version of you.

  1. Sow some seeds.

Set an intention and be clear about what you want. Make it specific. On October 1, 2013 I was still working as a professional journalist when I set my first clear intention having just scraps of information about meditation and yoga. This is what I wrote. “To find happiness and fulfilment in my life and share that experience with others so that they can find happiness themselves.” And the specifics? Do yoga, meditate, blog, maybe teach. Now look what happened!

  1. Be prepared to shed some skin.

OK, not literally. But transformation means change. And through the practice of yoga and meditation you can start to shake off old habits and ways of being that don’t serve you. You find space to challenge what you do, why you do it and let go of things you don’t need or won’t take you to where you want to go. A month after I set that intention, I ditched one big label – the one that said I was defined by my job. I quit.

  1. Have faith in your Self.

It’s a scary but necessary part of the process. It’s natural to want know what’s coming next. What’s the end of the story, how does it all work out? Truth is we can’t possibly know and to try and force the outcome just limits us from being open to all the other possibilities we could dream were possible. (Me! A yoga teacher – who knew?) It was spiritual guru, Deepak Chopra, that taught me about having faith and how knowing everything will be ok is a little like being on a roller coaster. You enjoy the ride, and the turbulence, because you know you are safe. Yoga and mediation help you connect to that deeper part of your Self that knows you’ll be ok, whatever the outcome.

Get ready to show up in your story. Take charge, become your author. Whether you want health, happiness, physical mobility, athletic ability, less stress, stronger relationships, less weight – it’s all up for grabs and yoga and meditation are the tools for the job.

Need help? No problem. Join the Yoga Local tribe to receive free inspiration and tips, get support, connect. Or find a Yoga Local class or workshop. There’s so much more to share and learn.

Just show up. I can’t wait to get you started.

Where are you stuck in your life? Let’s hear your story. Leave a comment.
