
Find your positive voice in 6 easy steps – without fibbing to your SELF.

If affirmations aren’t working for you? What will?

QUESTION for you.

What’s your take on affirmations? 🤨 You know…the process of affirming something or stating something as true. It works along the lines of if you tell yourself you’re a bad ass entrepreneur, then you’re a bad ass entrepreneur.

Or if you believe you can run a marathon under 4 hours, you will.

Do they work for you? Or do you feel like you’re simply telling yourself big fat pork pies. 🙂

If you want to find a way to move through doubt, negative thoughts, self-defeating language without losing your integrity or feeling feeling icky or fake. Come with me…

Create your 2018 wellbeing strategy.

Your mini-yogi training starts now.

We’re getting ahead of the game…it starts today. Your 2018 well-being planning happens now.

This week, I’m going to get you thinking about your goals, what questions you need to ask yourself (honestly), and give you a few yogi ideas to INSPIRE so you are all set up to hit the ground running on the first day of 2018.

Just so you know. This is not a ‘quick-fix’, ‘boom bust’, ‘giving it lip service’ wellbeing solution I share with you here. It’s your ‘soul-driven’, ‘completely sustainable’, ‘love your frickin-self today and every day’, ‘this is me’, ‘I’m awesome’ solution.

You like the sound?

Why Runners Do Yoga X 7

If you run, yoga’s a good idea because…

Ok, let’s start with this. The more you can take care of you the more you are able to continue to enjoy and love life. Agree?

Cool. So how does that relate to running? Keep going. Anyone who loves and LIVES to run will know how it feels to have to hang up their runners for any length of time. And I’m guessing their long-suffering significant others most definitely do. Yes? Can I hear nods? Seriously, but that’s life right? We all want to do what we want to do and we are seriously not happy when something, anything; ill health, fatigue, motivation, pain or even our own belief in our ability, stops us in our metaphorical tracks.

So my answer to the question above is simply this. It’s a good idea for runners to take up a yoga practice because the more runners bring yoga into their world, the more runners will continue to enjoy their love of running.

Whatever you already might think a yoga practice is or does, I invite you to consider this. Yoga is a practice that helps us all continue to do what we LIVE and LOVE to do.

Revealing some whys?

Now I appreciate this is a somewhat short and simple answer. There’s loads more to say and I’ll be breaking it all down at the next Yoga for Runners/Athletes Series. If you’re interested in this five-week yoga course designed specifically for runners and athletic types, find out how and when to sign up here and at the end of this article. First here’s just some of the whys I’m always promising…

The jump

My very gorgeous friend once told me that sometimes life has to hollow you out before it can fill you up again. Just over a month ago I hollowed out. On Tuesday, October 29 I resigned from my job. I walked away from a career that I once thought defined me. With no net…