
Celebrate the Breath: Finding Space in Every Twist 

Feeling squeezed in life? Let's Twist!

Celebrate the Breath: Finding Space in Every Twist 

Alright, my lovely lot, here’s the thing—if you’ve been on a yoga mat for more than five minutes, you’ve probably heard a teacher bang on about “breathe into the pose” or “find space in the body.” And if you’re new to yoga, that might sound like a load of vague waffle. Space? In my body? Where, exactly? 

Let’s unravel that mystery together. This month at Yoga Local, we’re celebrating. And no, I don’t just mean popping a prosecco after class (although that’s your call, no judgment here). I’m talking about celebrating the little things that make a big difference—the kind of things that can transform how you feel not just in yoga but in your everyday life. 

And this week, we’ve been celebrating finding space—specifically through the breath. Buckle up (or better yet, loosen that metaphorical belt) because we’re diving into why spaciousness matters and how you can discover it for yourself. 

Why Space Matters 

Ever felt like your life is squeezing the breath out of you? Deadlines, dodgy Wi-Fi, kids throwing tantrums because their toast isn’t the right shape (yes, really). It all builds up until you’re holding tension in places you didn’t know existed—jaw, shoulders, hips, even your bloody big toe. 

That tension doesn’t just live in your body; it seeps into your mind, making everything feel tighter, smaller, and more restricted. And guess what? The only way to break out of that cycle is to create space. 

When you learn to find spaciousness in your body—through twists, bends, and mindful breath—you start to feel more spacious in your mind. It’s like unclogging a drain. Everything flows better. 

Breath and Movement: The Dream Team 

Here’s the kicker: finding space isn’t just about the physical. Sure, twisting poses like revolved triangle or side bends like half moon help open up your body, but it’s the breath that really does the heavy lifting. 

Why? Because when you pair breath with movement, you’re not just working on your muscles—you’re communicating directly with your nervous system. The breath acts like a signal to your body, saying, “Hey, it’s safe here. Relax. Let go.” 

Short, sharp breaths (the kind we do when stressed) ramp up the adrenaline and spark your fight-or-flight response. But slow, deep breaths? They do the opposite. They tell your body to calm down, your mind to settle, and your digestive system to get back to work (because no one makes good decisions on a nervous stomach). 

The Challenge of Twisting Poses 

Twisting poses are a bit of a love-hate thing for many of us. They feel great once you’re in them, but getting there can be another story. Ever noticed how your breath seems to disappear the second you start twisting or bending laterally? 

That’s not a coincidence. Twisting compresses the torso, squishing everything from your ribs to your organs. It can feel harder to breathe, which might make you want to bail out of the pose entirely. But stick with me here—because this is where the magic happens. 

By elongating your spine (imagine a string pulling the top of your head up) and consciously deepening your breath, you can find space within the compression. It’s like wringing out a sponge—yes, it’s a bit of effort, but what you’re left with is clarity, lightness, and freedom. 

Practical Tips to Find Space 

Let’s make this super actionable. Next time you’re in a twist or a lateral pose, try this: 

  1. Set the Foundation: Before you even think about twisting, root down through your base—whether that’s your feet in a standing pose or your sit bones in a seated one. Stability creates freedom. 
  1. Elongate First: Grow tall through your spine as you inhale, creating as much length as possible before you start the twist. 
  1. Twist on the Exhale: Use the exhale to guide the twist, moving from your core rather than yanking yourself around with your arms. 
  1. Breathe Into the Shape: Once you’re in the pose, send your breath into the tight spots. Visualise your breath expanding those areas, like blowing up a balloon. 

This is where the celebration comes in. Every breath, every millimetre of space you create, is something to celebrate. It’s proof that even in the middle of resistance—whether that’s a tough yoga pose or a tough day—you can find room to breathe and grow. 

The Bigger Picture 

Alright, so twisting poses are great. But why should you care about finding space on the mat when life off the mat feels like one big squeeze? 

Because how you breathe and move on the mat translates directly to how you handle the pressures of daily life. Finding space in a pose where you feel restricted teaches you how to find space in moments of stress, overwhelm, or conflict. 

Think of it as training. Every time you consciously breathe through a challenging posture, you’re building the skills to stay calm, grounded, and open when life gets twisty. 

Let’s Get Real 

Now, I know some of you might be sitting there thinking, “That sounds lovely, Josie, but I don’t have time for this. I’m already stretched too thin.” 

Here’s my tough-love response: You don’t have time not to do this. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, stressed, or stuck, creating even a sliver of space—through your breath, your body, or your mindset—can be the thing that stops you from tipping over the edge. 

And it doesn’t have to take hours. A few mindful breaths in your car before you tackle the school run. A quick twist in your chair between Zoom calls. It all counts. 

Why We’re Celebrating This Month 

At Yoga Local, we’re all about celebrating the stuff that matters. And finding space—literal and metaphorical—is one of those things. 

This month, as we dive into the theme of celebration, I want you to think about where you can create more space in your life. Not just in your body, but in your mind, your schedule, your relationships. Where can you let go of the unnecessary to make room for what truly matters? 

Join the Celebration 

If you’re ready to take this practice deeper, join us in the studio or on the YL App. This isn’t about bending yourself into impossible shapes or “earning” your yoga practice. It’s about showing up for yourself, celebrating your breath, and discovering just how much space you can create—in your body, your mind, and your life. 

And let me tell you, there’s nothing more satisfying than realizing you do have room to breathe, even when life feels like it’s closing in. 

Call to Action: 
👉 Ready to celebrate your breath and find more space in your life? Download the YL App today and join our community. Practice anytime, anywhere, and discover how yoga can help you create the room you need to live fully and freely. 

Or see you in class?
